Blogs: Course feedback & evaluations.

    36 generative AI prompts for training providers

    Generative AI has very quickly become an essential tool for most...

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    The Phillips ROI Model (Phillips Learning Evaluation Model)

    If you’ve been following our blog posts, you’ll know that we...

    The Kirkpatrick Model.

    The Kirkpatrick Model

    The Kirkpatrick Model of Evaluation is a well-known method of...

    3 powerful ways to transform your training with data, research and insights

    At Everest Virtual Conference 2021, the training industry got to...

    the 27 best training survey questions to start asking your delegates

    The 27 best questions for training surveys to start asking your delegates

    Whether you call them happy sheets, training evaluation forms,...

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    How To Make The Most Of Customer Feedback

    In 2019 we hosted our annual event for training providers,...

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    Are Your Learners Really Learning?

    Top-performing organisations are crediting effective learning...

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    3 New Ways to Generate More Survey Responses

    It has never been of more importance to collect and use feedback...

    7 Ways You Should Be Using Feedback To Enhance Courses And Grow Your Training Business

    ‘It’s all part of the learning curve.’ How many times have you...


    Moments Of Truth: Bouncing Back From Service Failure

    Service failure is an unspoken topic throughout many businesses...


    Training Feedback: Is The Paper Happy Sheet Dead?

    Learning is a two way process. Delegates sign up to be trained,...

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    How Can Feedback Improve Your Training Company?

    “How do I know if my training courses are actually successful?”...