Training Company Dilemma: SaaS or On Premise Software?

SaaS (Software as a Service) refers to a subscription-based distribution model in which software is hosted in the cloud and accessed by users via the internet. Alongside infrastructure as a service (IaaS) and platform as a service (PaaS), SaaS forms one third of the three main cloud computing categories.
Software for training companies can now be bought in the form of Software as a Service, in this post we will explore:
- What Software as a Service is
- The benefits of SaaS for training companies
- A comparison with On-Premise software solutions
What is Software as a Service (SaaS)?
SaaS is generally a pay-as-you-go subscription that is challenging and replacing the traditional distribution method of purchasing software outright and installing it onto devices locally. This model brings about many benefits to companies of all sizes when it comes to accessibility, implementation, scalability, update management, backups and security.
Popular SaaS applications in the training world include Moodle, Microsoft’s Office 365, Dropbox, Slack, Google Apps and Amazon Web Services. Below are some of the benefits of using SaaS with training companies in mind.
Ready to go
Software for training companies based on the SaaS model benefit from the on-demand nature of the software that makes access to training material easier than ever. SaaS doesn’t require an on-premise installation but is instead accessible directly via the web, making it a breeze to access all the information you need from any device, at any time.
This gives users a great level of autonomy as they can work from anywhere and have guaranteed access to all of their vital information. On-premise hosted systems require time and effort to implement and integrate with existing IT infrastructure, SaaS on the other hand provides a ready to go solution with flexible licensing that equates to high scalability. SaaS solutions can be tailor made to suit your company’s needs without the on-going need for maintenance and manual updates.
Check out this post for best practice when selecting a software supplier.
Easy to manage
SaaS providers can easily execute blanket software updates regularly. This is highly beneficial as the software will automatically update itself to the latest version without any manual intervention required. This is excellent news given that company-wide updates use up valuable company resources, cause unnecessary downtime and if left late can leave you exposed to potential security vulnerabilities.
Updates pushed out to users on a regular basis also give companies the chance to voice their opinion, request changes and have those changes potentially implemented by the provider in the next update. This means the software improves consistently and regularly to the benefit of all its users.
Growing with your goals
Training companies experiencing growth need solutions that can grow with them. With the flexibility of SaaS, it is possible to accommodate for growth continuously. Developed in accordance to the latest standards, SaaS will consistently adapt to keep you in line with the latest training requirements and security management policies. SaaS provides a solution that can adapt with internal and external changes with ease, giving your company the chance to make better use of its valuable resources.
The world of learning and training is also changing rapidly and having a software provider that provides ongoing updates based on feedback and product suggestions from other training businesses is paramount to ensuring that you have the right systems in place to react quickly to industry trends and consumer demands.
Software for training companies that utilises the power of SaaS can save money on the huge upfront costs incurred by on-premise solutions and bypass the lengthy implementation phase that can require complex integration with existing IT systems.
Web-based applications are paving the way as scalable, accessible, easy to deploy and even easier to maintain holistic software solutions. By relinquishing responsibility on to a SaaS provider (check out a comparison of building vs buying software here) you can feel confident that you and your users are on a reliable system that is maintained and backed up by professional infrastructure, providing you with round the clock access across all your devices.
When on-premise is best
- As SaaS applications require a reliable internet connection, if connectivity is an issue for your business then on-premise is probably the best option for you.
- If you want complete control of when your system is updated and the new features that you want applying to your software then SaaS probably isn't for you.
- If you need total control of your infrastructure such as hardware, software and and data then on-premise is your best option.
Should I choose SaaS or on-premise software for my training business?
Ultimately, the decision lies with your business and your business alone. Evaluate what your business needs and this will lead you to the right decision.
In summary, SaaS has the following attributes that can effectively help your training company:
- Excellent accessibility
- Time and cost saving
- Easily scalable
- Automatic maintenance
For a more detailed comparison of buying SaaS software and building your own on-premise solutions download our Build Vs. Buy eBook for free!
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