Why accessplanit Is On The G-Cloud 11 Procurement Framework

Here at accessplanit, we pride ourselves in the security and reliability of our software, as well as an openness about how our company operates. Because of this, we have been on the government’s G-Cloud Digital Marketplace since 2016, as well as being ISO certified. Not many of our competitors are on the G-Cloud marketplace, so we’re pretty proud to announce that we’ve once again met the requirements and are on the updated G-Cloud 11 list of providers this year.
What Is G-Cloud?
If you work in the public sector, you’ve no doubt already come across the Government Digital Service’s ‘G-Cloud’ digital marketplace.
G-Cloud is a framework set by the UK government, that cloud-based software providers must agree to and meet the requirements of, in order to be recommended and listed on the G-Cloud digital marketplace. Buying software through this framework can be faster and cheaper than buying via individual procurement contracts. If you are a public sector organisation, you can use the digital marketplace to buy software.
The G-Cloud service listings are divided into three categories. accessplanit falls under the ‘Cloud Software’ category.
You can use the Digital Marketplace to buy cloud services through the G-Cloud framework.
How Does GCloud Make Software Safer?
All G-Cloud suppliers have confirmed information about their company and the way they work to the government, as well as added information about the services that they offer.
Any software provider worth their salt will also be ISO certified. While this is not a requirement for G-Cloud 11, it is a recommended further step that providers can get, in order to prove themselves even more trustworthy.
It goes without saying that accessplanit are ISO 271001 certified. You can filter your selections on the G-Cloud database, to include only suppliers that meet this standard.
There are specific clauses within the G-Cloud 11 framework that ensure supplier requirements are in line with the new EU GDPR standards. So, you can rest assured that your software supplier is GDPR compliant.
You can find out more about the specific requirements that cloud-based software companies must adhere to on the .gov website.
How To Use G-Cloud To Find Software
Gov.uk created a step by step guide to choosing your provider, using the G-Cloud framework.
These include: Saving a search; exporting your results; assessing services; awarding a contract, and completing a customer benefit record form.
There are around 31,000 providers on the G-Cloud database, so finding the right software for your workplace becomes a process of elimination. It’s important to understand your requirements and necessary security standards before you begin your search. It’s then easy to use the site’s filters and exporting tools, to create a comprehensive list of best-fit candidates, and work from there.
If you want to find out more about choosing the perfect software for your organisation, download our Ultimate Guide To Buying Software.
Further Reading
What You Missed At Everest Conference 2019
Training Industry Benchmark Report 2019 - How Do You Measure Up?