New Features Update: November 2019

With lots of new updates to make your work-life simple, like improvements to how you can manage your Google Analytics; your shopping basket; invoicing, and more- November has been another big update month for us here at accessplanit.
We are always looking for ways to improve the user experience with our software, and we listen to our customers' suggestions for inspiration on how to improve the accessplanit system, so you can always guarantee some great new improvements from us from each update.
Check out all of our new software features below, or watch the release notes video at the bottom of this page to discover what’s new and improved for you this month!
What's New This Month?
- Google Analytics enhancements to control
- Updates to our Products & Services module
- Increased support to manage compliance and renewals
More Control Over Google Analytics Tracking
Hooking up your accessplanit shopping basket to your Google Analytics account is a must for tracking your booking success rates from your website!
The Google Analytics module is no longer be limited to just one Google Analytics account per system, but one per Training Provider.
This means that multiple sites or franchises can each have their own configurations & analytics account hooked up concurrently
Do More With Your Products & Services
Based on your feedback, our Products & Services module has had a number of upgrades in this release!
Track purchases by delegate
You can now quickly look up the purchases that are linked to each of your delegates via a brand new Purchases tab. Easily keep track of what has been purchased and by who to get a complete overview of learner history.
This page is used to manage purchases; make a purchase as shipped or processed, cancel purchases and invoice purchases.
Easily add Products & Services for delegates
We've included an Add button shortcut to the Purchases DataGrid so that you can now manually record Product & Service Purchases without having to go through the Shopping Basket.
This makes logging your customer’s purchases even easier, and you can complete all of your usual tasks such as triggering related workflows and invoicing the sale.

Display A Product Or Service's Alias On DataGrids & Invoices
Aliases allow you to provide an override label on your products and services, so you can have a Product & Service called ‘Hotel’ or ‘Textbook', then for a specific purchase you could override the label to be ‘1 night stay at Greaves’ or ‘Juggling for Dummies’ etc... This information is now available to be displayed in invoices and on DataGrids for a tailored customer experience.
Increased support to manage compliance and renewals
Within your User Awards DataGrid you can now display a 'Booked' column. This shows if the user is already booked onto a course that will give them that award, which is a quick and easy way for you to find out if the delegate is on track, due for renewal or if an expired user award has already been organised!
Display Tax Rate Per Item On Invoices
Your invoices now have an extra bit of tax-rate information. Each item on your invoices now displays the tax-rate, so your customers can easily see the tax % for the items that they have bought from you.
See The New Updates In Action: Watch The Latest accessplanit Features Video, With Our Product Manager, Jenna ⬇⬇⬇
Want To Know More?
If you are a customer and would like any support with any of the new features or changes please get in touch with our Helpdesk Team.
If you want to see any of the features in action, please don't hesitate to book a demo with a member of our solutions team who will be happy to show you more.
More Feature Updates
New Feature Product Update: August 2019