Advantages Of Using eLearning Within Your Training Business

Most people are familiar with the term eLearning. It’s no new, and is often used as an element of a blended learning programme. It can be used to describe any training, courseware, guided learning reference material or assessment that is accessed electronically via a computer or mobile device. This could be in the form of a virtual classroom, an online module, assessment or a discussion and is based upon the premise that it is easily flexible and accessible and provides on-demand training and support.
Who uses it?
All kinds of organisations use eLearning, from private sector to non-profit , governments and educational institutions through to global companies. Check out how Delta KN use eLearning to deliver high quality training worldwide.
Why is it a preferred method of delivery?
- Save time and money on training and travel costs
- Reach geographically dispersed groups
- Provide ‘anywhere, anytime’ learning
- Provide consistency and keep staff compliant with regulations
- Improve productivity and effectiveness
What type of training is delivered?
- Introductory / orientation training
- Remedial training
- Certification training
- Academic courses
- Promotion of products and services
- Support for organisational initiatives
- Training to geographically spread out personnel Standardised training/knowledge
- Software training
What are the advantages?
- Access to learning whenever and wherever it’s needed
- Flexibility to learn at the learners pace
- Content that appropriate for the individual – such as new starters and experienced staff
- Easy access – for learning across multiple locations
- Ease and convenience of learning
- Clear validation to identify additional training needs
- Provides a consistent approach - not reliant on the skills and knowledge of a trainer
What should I consider?
- Use LMS software or a training management system to deliver eLearning
- Ensure the user interface or user portal is responsive across all devices including mobile and tablet.
- Ensure the interface offers high quality reporting and is capable of supporting multiple languages.
Learn more about using accessplanit's eLearning module here.
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