7 Reasons Why Training Companies Should Offer eLearning


eLearning is not a new concept and training companies across the industry are reaping the benefits of online training. But, how do you know if your training company will benefit from it? This list of 7 key benefits will explore eLearning in a bit more detail... 

7 key benefits of eLearning 

1. Client Demand 

If clients demand eLearning solutions then naturally you need to supply the most appropriate courses. Undoubtedly, there is a growing need to add eLearning to the overall training portfolio.

2. Your Margins

Margins on instructor-led courses are being eroded. Training Providers are reporting ever-decreasing margins on instructor-led sessions. eLearning offers training providers fantastic margins and is easy to manage and deliver.

3. Cost of Training Delivery

To reduce the cost of delivery for training companies and their clients. This is increasingly important when budgetary constraints (especially on travel) impact the up-take of classroom training.

4. Flexibility

Increase the flexibility of access (anytime, anywhere). This is particularly relevant in cases where it’s difficult for clients to pull employees out of their jobs for 2 days or more to attend instructor-led sessions. Compound this with managers often trying to do more with fewer people, then the ability to let anyone leave the business for even a day can become difficult.

5. Increased delivery options

Blended learning options to cater to the unique requirements of different clients. This helps training providers reach client companies who otherwise had not been able to afford their classroom training - opening up a new stream of business.

6. Ease of delivery

A professional bespoke service. Use a Training Management System with a flexible, responsive user portal that can be branded and used across multiple mobile platforms. This allows users to book courses online and manage their own learning calendar – both eLearning and classroom.  

7. It is better now

There is no doubt about this; eLearning has come a long way. Whereas in the past, eLearning modules were simple page-turners - the industry is now able to provide a wide range of instructional experiences, both interactive and online. Videos, quizzes, PDF downloads, podcasts and even AR and VR - eLearning doesn't have to be boring.

Read more: How to make boring training content engaging and fun

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