
New Feature: Restrictive Reporting Is A Thing Of The Past

Written by Andrew Flook | Jan 24, 2017 9:05:00 AM

Ever get the feeling that you’re missing out on something? Our new training success platform - designed to reduce training admin - is bursting with features, around 50% of them suggested by our existing customers, so I thought it timely to introduce one of the must crucial features that I believe will change the way training professionals work.

Today, we’re going to look at datagrids – the powerful and advanced solution to data retention.

In short, datagrids…

  • Deliver a superior way to view, edit and use information
  • Can be tailored and personalised to your job role
  • Filter and display relevant details
  • Offer universal search functions

But let’s look in-depth at what datagrids are, and what they offer your training organisation. All the information your company holds is managed by these datagrids,

What is a datagrid?

This is a ‘Ronseal’ name, really. Does what it says on the tin. It’s a grid within the system that holds data. They are, of course, vastly more intelligent than that, as we’ll discover.

Datagrids are the building blocks of our training management system. The DNA. The glue that holds the system together, and when you use them, you can expect them to be constant and consistent across the board. They essentially hold all your data in one place, easily accessed by those who need it, and effortlessly exported into your business reports.

What can they do for me?

Datagrids are what allows you to customise the information you see on your similarly customisable dashboards (check those out here).

Perhaps the biggest benefit then, is that they allow for flexibility and personalisation. They completely alter the way you’ll view, use and edit all the data you hold.

To make your life even easier, what we’ve done is add three very useful additions, in order to offer that all-important ‘at-a-glance’ overview.

Firstly, we’ve included paginations at the bottom of the screen, so you can limit or expand what you see on a single screen, just as you would when browsing, say, an online shopping portal.

We’ve also added a preview button so that a learner’s key stats – such as contact details and company – are visible, without accessing full-blown profiles. 

And then we introduced badges. Think of them as like pins or flags in your email system. One look and you can preview precisely what you need to, without delving deeper into the information you don’t need at present (unless you wish to, of course, which is just as simple).

What else can they offer me?

Let’s be honest, a lot of the data your organisation holds isn’t particularly necessary to your day-to-day role. It may be vital to your operation as a whole, but rather than clutter your screen (and infract upon your sanity), you can now select the information you need.

Only interested in profitability forecasts, certificate expiration dates, or how many delegates are booked onto a course? Fantastic – that’s easily done.

To top it all off, you now have access to Smart Grids. These are pre-filled grids that display the most commonly required information, for instance course bookings and – handy for those who need to stay compliant in their industry – user awards and expirys.

But let’s say you need a far greater level of control over the information. Another way we’ve changed the way you view data is the inclusion of smart filtering

What is smart filtering?

This is a way to intuitively filter out the information you don’t need, and display the information you do need. You can choose which filters you want by clicking the Filters option in the top-left of the screen.

There are three sections here: Filter Field, Operator and Value.

Your Filter Field is what you’re filtering by, such as name, number or date; Operator is how you’re choosing to filter that information – for instance, by course start date; Value is what you’re searching for, for example courses that start within a week.

Within each of the three sections, you’ll find plenty of options in a drop-down menu, complete with a search box, in order to drill down on the details you need.

This is where it starts getting even smarter. If you’ve found a filter you’ll be using on a regular basis, you can tag and save it for recall later. And don’t worry. Just because you can expect unparalleled consistency across the system, the smart filters you select and save will remain unique to you – even if your colleagues have set up their own filters, specific to their own roles.

Anything else?

Remember when I said datagrids will alter the way you view, use and edit data? That wasn’t hyperbole. Thanks to three very important factors, you’re guaranteed to find datagrids revolutionary for managing training events and courses.

Bulk Edit allows you to highlight one or many courses, and edit, say, the course status with a single click.

Report Exporting makes it simple to export selected datagrids into the format of your choice – perfect for that upcoming meeting.

Universal Search means the ability to search the entire system. As I said, you may not need all the information in one go, but when you do need to find it, you can.

The training success platform, as a whole, is designed around the concept of making your life easier. And the system’s powerful datagrids mean you’ll be able to finally make the most of your data. To find out how, book yourself a free one-to-one demo.

Other product updates you may be interested in: 

New Feature: Multi-Dimensional Workflows Shape The Way You Manage Your Processes 

New Feature: The Information You Need, When You Need It

Feature Overview: Introducing The Training Success Platform

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